Well I guess I finally found my home for now. And I will say I NEVER thought I would say home sweet Alabama. I got to Birmingham, AL a little over a week ago and started working at the 'Bucks (Starbucks that is). First I would like to say, I love working there. I love coffee and I love that I get to make drinks for people. On a sort of different note, I went to work at 5:30 the other morning to learn how to open the store. When I was getting ready so early in the morning I was not excited about going outside, because as any good Coloradoan knows, the mornings are freezing, even in the summer. So I bundled up and was ready to go, but as I started thinking, I'm not in Colorado anymore, I'm in 'Bama and it is NOT cold here, even in the early early mornings. And I was right, it was warm...at 5 in the morning. Talk about culture shock, I was in it!
But I will say B'ham is a fun place, it's beautiful and so full of trees, which my Colorado is not so much known for. I am trying to figure out what to do about friends, and how to make some here. If any of you have ideas, I would love to hear them :)!! I went to a Bible Study with my roommate Cassie the other night and met a lot of cool girls. I problem is I don't if that is the church (the B.S. is through a big o' church), Brookhills Church, that I want to be apart of. I really want to be involved in a multi-cultural church, so I am not really knowing what to do. So if you think about it, will you just shoot a little prayer up to the Big Guy for wisdom for me? Thanks!
Anyway so that is my life, work, reading a many a book, and thinking of how to make friends. And may I repeat, just thinking, not acting...;)! Ok guys that is all for now!
Oh except for my newest addition to my foot and that is my tattoo. It is from Joshua 1:9 (or 1:1-9), "have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous..." and it is the Hebrew characters for strong and courageous. I got it with my cousin, Laura. We decided over a month before that wanted it when we were talking about our previous years and how both of us did not exactly have a good one and we wanted something to mark that we trust God, no matter the trials and that we will walk in strength and courage! Love it! And her little brother, my other cousin, Chad got it with us as well. It was a fun day.
Hey Linz! I'm glad to hear that you're safe and sound in Bama and that you got a job at the Bucks! Hooray! You should call me sometime soon and we could exchange ideas on how to make friends.
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